Exiting The European Union

What you can expect from DMS

DMS - 01 Dec 2020
The Adventures of DMS

Regarding Britain’s untimely exit from the European Union, we're happy to report that we are prepared as we can be, considering the uncertainty still surrounding any potential trade/tariff deal. Regardless of the outcome of the ongoing negotiations, we do not foresee any major interruptions to our services or the way that we operate.

Rest assured, we will work as hard as ever to mitigate any adverse effects that the transition into 2021 may have on your orders, and keep you informed every step of the way. As previously pledged, we guarantee that no changes in customs tariffs will be payable by our clients for all orders placed prior to final Brexit announcements, there will be no double VAT payments charged, and DMS will take care of all additional shipping paperwork required.

For orders delivering within the UK, please note that we anticipate increased transport times in January while the entire shipping/logistics sector gets used to new protocols and paperwork, but expect this to only be a temporary backlog. For deliveries to the rest of the world, Brexit should have no effect on our ability to provide the service that you are used to receiving. If you have any queries or concerns, please reach out to us at any time.

You may find it useful to receive our newsletters, we will make an announcement as soon as we know where everything stands.

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